Genre entertainment of the highest order, the SISTER STREET FIGHTER films are a wild ride through some of the best exploitation cinema Japan produced in the 1970s. Funky and over-the-top, filled with wall-to-wall action, and featuring some of the craziest villains ever depicted onscreen, the series embodies female power in a male-dominated genre and is a magnificent showcase for the physical presence and martial arts skills of its lead star.
“[Etsuko Shihomi] is just a fuckin' tidal wave of pain and ass-kicking in these films. I mean, like all her friends and family get killed randomly by villains, but she never hesitates to bring serious demolition to the party. Bonus points for the strange moments, including a henchmen with a snake skin jacket and a villain who chooses a fight by throwing a knife into a moth and seeing whose head it falls on(?!). It's not a great movie and it's not even a good movie, but RETURN OF THE SISTER STREET FIGHTER is an entertaining movie.” (Matt Reifschneider, Letterboxd)